4 signs that at work you are faced with toxic positive

«Everything will be fine!»,» Well, at least we have a job «,» it could have been worse «… Perhaps you happened to hear something like that from colleagues or leadership. It is assumed that such phrases should support you, but in fact they are evidence of toxic positive.

It would seem that it’s bad in the calls to look at things positively? First of all, the fact that in this way we are forced to suppress the true ones-in such situations negative-emotions, explains the organizational psychologist Laura Gallagher: “When someone is sad, and we urge him to maintain optimism, we thereby deny the interlocutor’s right to feelings,We broadcast to him: what he is experiencing is wrong. Naturally, in response, this causes only resistance «.

If the “toxic” positiveness becomes part of the corporate culture, employees are not entitled to share with colleagues and the leadership what they actually experience and think, and instead complain about the working situation to the rest: friends, households.

“Trust is undermining, employees“ put on masks ”, no one discusses the real state of affairs. This cannot but affect the results of the company, because everyone is accumulating discontent and lose the ability to make optimal decisions, ”the author explains. This is how it usually happens.

1. You are convinced to maintain optimism when you have every reason to worry

Gallagher recalls the client, who at work hung the duties of a dismissed colleague in addition to her own. When a woman shared her experiences with the leader, she heard in response: «Well, well, look at the situation more positively». Hearing something like that, we understand: our feelings depreciate.

As it would


be worth doing in such a situation to the leader? Actively listen to the subordinate, asking clarifying questions and trying to figure out the essence (you can use phrases like “I understand correctly that …”, “it seems …”) so that one has the feeling that she is really heard, her experiences are important.

2. The future of the company is foggy, but the boss convinces you that «everything will be fine»

Such behavior is a sign of not only toxic positiveness, but also the inept leadership, incompetence of the leader, a sign that he or she avoids decision -making, does not care about achieving the goals of companies and his team. Instead of making false promises regarding their future at the height of the crisis, you should be as open as possible and talk in detail about what is being done to maintain a team.

“Subordinates respect the leaders for directness and openness, for the ability to honestly say: yes, now the situation is far from ideal, but everything is not hopeless;This is what we are going to do … ” – the career coach of Cynthia pong.

If the reduction is inevitable, do not assure employees that they are not threatened with anything. It is better to take specific actions to facilitate the search for a new job, for example, promise and prepare recommendations.

3. The management refuses to recognize the effect of the Covid-19 on the results of the company

At the end of the year, many probably heard the following words from the leaders: the 2020th was not easy, but we are well done, we coped. Alas, the chances are that in your case it is really so is small. Most likely, the pandemic and the global crisis hit your company great – just like most businesses. And the leadership must find the strength to recognize this.

4. You were reduced or cut off, but colleagues offer to look at it from the other side

In 2020, millions of people around the world lost their jobs, but the fact that you are not alone in your misfortune does not mean that you are not entitled to grieve.

“Often people say:“ Well, at least you have a roof over your head, a weekend manual and so on ”and“ it could be worse, ”guided by the best motives,” the psychologist and work specialist Patrick O’Mares believes. “But the interlocutor understands that his feelings are not important and he has no right to experience them.”.

What to do? Listen more than to speak, and, of course, not give advice if they are not asked about them.

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